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How to use the VR Tourviewer Remote?

VR Tourviewer Remote viewer connects to VR Tourviewer on your VR device via WiFi and shows in real time and high resolution what the VR user is seeing.

With normal screen casting applications, a video stream of the screen has to be transmitted. Due to the high CPU/GPU intensity of this technique, this results in lag in both the VR experience and the viewed result.

This issue has been solved by running an identical non-VR tour on a separate device, and only synchronizing the camera and controller movement and clicks from the VR device. This results in a very high quality, low latency, synchronized view of the tour on a separate screen.

Note that the free/unlicensed version of VR Tourviewer Remote only synchronizes the tours in the Featured section.
A license for the full version can be purchased here.


  • Install VR Tourviewer Remote
  • Make sure the VR device and the Remote device are part of the same Wi-Fi network and subnet
  • Make sure that the storage tours on the VR device are copied to the Remote ‘Local storage folder’, in such a way that both storage folders (on VR device and on Remote) are identical.
  • The storage folder on the VR device is: Internal shared storage/VRTourviewer
  • The default storage folder on the Remote is:
    • Windows: C:\Program Files\VR Tourviewer Remote\VR-Tourviewer-Remote_Data\VRTourviewer
    • Android (Remote < 1.3.496): Internal storage/VRTourviewer
    • Android (Remote 1.3.496 or later): Internal storage/Android/data/com.vrtourviewer.vrtourviewerremote/files/Tours
  • Start VR Tourviewer Remote
  • Start VR Tourviewer on the VR device
  • Usually the Remote will now automatically find and connect to your VR device.

If the connection isn’t made automatically,  you may have to enter the IP of the VR device manually. This can be done in the connection settings.

Connect manually to IP of VR device:

  1. To open the connection settings, press escape or click/tap on the screen
  2. Uncheck ‘Automatically connect to available VR device
  3. In the IP or VR device field, enter the local IP of your VR device and click CONNECT
  4. You can find the IP of your VR device in the Settings menu of VR Tourviewer on your VR device
  5. If a connection still can’t be made, please check the troubleshooting tips below.

Troubleshooting TIPS:

  1. Make sure the version number of VR Tourviewer Remote is suitable for connecting to the VR Tourviewer version.
    For VR Tourviewer version > 1.3.400 you can use VR Tourviewer Remote 1.3.416
    For VR Tourviewer version 1.2.303 and 1.2.304 you can use VR Tourviewer Remote 1.2.304
    For VR Tourviewer version 1.1.244 you can use VR Tourviewer Remote 1.1.243.
  2. When using offline (storage) tours: make sure that the storage tours on the VR device are copied to the Remote ‘Local storage folder’, in such a way that both VRTourviewer folders (on VR device and on Remote) are identical.
  3. Make sure the VR device and the Remote device are part of the same Wi-Fi network and subnet
  4. The WiFi network should not be a ‘guest’ network, on a guest network only the internet connection is shared, but devices can’t connect to each other, traffic between them is blocked.
  5. Make sure a firewall isn’t blocking traffic on TCP port 12346 and allows UDP broadcasts from the VR device on the subnet.If UDP broadcasting is blocked, the Remote will not be able to find the VR device automatically and you will have to enter the IP of the VR device manually (see tip 3) in the Remote settings.
  6. If an automatic connection can’t be made, make a manual connection to the IP of the VR device, see above.
  7. If you switch from a mobile 3G/4G connection to WiFi, or to another WiFi network, you may have to restart the VR Tourviewer and the VR Tourviewer Remote for the Remote to work properly. When switching connections, the IP of your device can/will change, make sure you use the correct local IP to connect to from the Remote.
  8. Leave the VR Device Port on default: 12346
  9. If a connection can be made, but the Remote shows the device is inactive, you may have to restart VR Tourviewer on the VR device.
  10. The preview images in the Settings dialog are only shown when:
    • The VR device runs version 1.2.303 or later
    • For an offline tour: if the tour is also available on the local storage folder of the Remote.
    • Tour contains regular preview images or a VR preview image
  11. Click here for info on how to install VR Tourviewer Remote on MacOS.

Note: The VR Tourviewer Remote doesn’t connect to a white label VR app. When ordering a white label app you can order a white label Remote with it, that can be used with the licensed white label VR devices.

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