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Add menu hotspot

For VR Tourviewer 1.0.220 and later

A hotspot to access the in-tour menu can be added at the nadir (bottom) of each panorama. This can be convenient in combination with Gaze mode, when a gaze timer is used instead of using a controller.

You can set this globally in the VR Tourviewer Settings menu, with ‘Add menu hotspot’, or you can override the global setting by adding one of the following User Data Tags in the first panorama of the Pano2VR Tour Browser. Note: the first panorama of the Tour Browser doesn’t have to be the start panorama.


You can override this setting and the global setting by adding one of the tags to an individual panorama.

With VR Tourviewer 1.2.300 and later you can also add a command hotspot to show the in-tour menu or switch to the tour gallery.

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